Mathetics is the “Art of Learning”. It is a term which was coined already in medieval times by Comenius and relates to the human competence to learn, to develop and to innovate.

Comenius understood learning as an interactive process between those who teach and those who learn – this didactics (the art of teaching) and mathetics (the art of learning) are two sides of the same medal.

Mathetics is an educational concept that fits like no other in today's world because it shifts the focus from the teacher to the learner.

Digitalisation can be very supportive in this respect.

In our works we realised that there is an increasing need for smart learning tools that are easy to use and support planning and delivering e-learning and blended learning units, pathways and whole learning systems. This relates not only to the non-formal and informal learning sector but also to formal educational sectors like Higher Education, Schools and VET which are often very poor related to usable learning apps. The same applies for surveys, questionnaires and assessment tools.